Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Good story! *must read* (recommended)

Once upon a time... There lived three, wait, no... four little girls who started a blog. Well. The moral of the story is... Don't let the four little girls blog. They're too lazy to do it!

Comments on the story:
"It was so good, I didn't fall asleep while reading it! :D"
"Very different. Nice and pleasant. No elements of DOTA stuff in it. *koff koff* Sorry, itchy throat."
"Interesting, I'll publish it in my site! :D Oh by the way, you'll be the first visitor if you enter my site. Isn't that a great privilage? *smiles broadly*"


Hahahaha. Just to let all of the spiders (no more readers... T_T) know that I'm still alive. :P:P:P Sorry for the lack of posts, no time, no time. -..-"

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Girl Who Cried RAT

Have you heard of the story "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"? Well... This is an IMPROVISED version of it. :D

Here goes...


"AHHHHHHHHHHHH............!!!!!!! MUMMEEEEEEE!!!!! I THINK I SAW A RAT!!!!!!!!!"

*koff* guess who yelled that? HAHAHA. No ler. Not me. Hui Yii. :P

"Where??!" - Mum
"I think it went behind the door!" - Hui Yii *don't dare to move while pointing at the door*

*Mum runs up the chair* <--- the one next to the computers
*Dad follows suit on another one* Though he later on says that he did it for fun. -_-" Hahahaha!


I don't know who screamed and stuffs 'cause... er... I wasn't paying attention. Quite blur that time. :P Heard the story later on from dads and mums.

Hui Yii then finally decided to run out of the kitchen area. That was when my dad had already jumped off his chair. So Hui Yii ran up that chair and guess what?

The rat decided to follow her. :D

So... *Scramble scramble* *Screams* *Lots of noise*...

"Eh eh! It ran under the stairs!"
"Where, where??!!"
"I don't know! It ran there! *point at the boxes under the stairs*"
"Go take something to hit it!!!"

Hmm... Ok. Here's the list of things brought out:
1. Cangkul - dad -_-"
2. Broom - mum - not too bad... but the handle of the broom? O_x
3. A piece of cloth - grandaunty - I guess she so ngam was holding one, but she was sort of flinging it here and there. Hmm. Interesting. :P
4. Fish tank cleaner sponge thing - dad - erhm... I guess it came along with the cangkul... -_-"
5. Tongs - tak jadi. Grandaunty wanted to borrow it from the neighbour but I guess it was too late. :P
6. Pliers - hmm. Since my grandaunty couldn't get the tongs (I don't know why), she got my dad a pair of pliers. -____-"

Anyway... They didn't use all those... instruments... -_-"... So anyway. My younger brother saw the rat behind some place. So... Hmm. Ok. The place is in between the wall and er... our supposed table but it isn't fixed yet. Hahahaha. Anyway it's hard and flat and thank goodness still in it's cardboard box!

Ok ok. Here goes the process of rat being killed by dad.

So... As you all know. The rat ran for its life and hid behind the box. It's quite flat. Just imagine my table being in that cardboard box. -_-" My poor table. So... My dad... he kicked de box and squished the rat (how fun :D, but I missed it. T_T) HAHAHAHA.

Mum: "Your father ah, just now ah, kicked the cardboard until his legs are tired. Then he said 'faster boil water, faster boil water!', so excited you know!"

So... The rat got squished between the cardboard and wall. So I heard... The rat tried to wriggle his/her way out, and it managed to squeeze half its way out. My dad kicked even harder. -__-" So half of it got squished. T_T Eww... Hui Yii heard it squealing from upstairs. Wow. What a powerful voice. Hehehehe.

My dad then poured hot water on its head.

THE RAT DIED. <--- climax of the story :P

"Maybe it's not dead yet." - dad

Got a long explanation from dad about how he hung the rat and stuffs. -_-" Very interesting. :D
"But I think it was dead already when i hung him." - dad

"The rat was very inexperienced ah, still very young, got caught by us." - mum and dad -__-"


The moral of the story is...
LISTEN when the girl cries RAT. HAhAhahA.