Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Husbands and wives... Hahaha!

Oh man~ I miss Michelle! And LYDIA! How can you ask her out and not invite me also?! Hahaha... Lydia Lydia Lydia... Aih. Enjoy so much don't wanna blog and tell us about it d lar!

Never mind. I'll have Michelle all to myself. :P Sob, I can't believe you and Ka Mun married Michelle also. :P My husband so popular among you guys huh. :P Hahahaha... So funny. I'm married to Michelle, a mistress to Lydia, and she's Michelle's wife, and Ka Mun's wife/husband? And we're all married to Michelle. So the relationship is......... Hahaha...

Oh man. I'm missing ns! All Michelle's fault. Tsk tsk. Hahaha...

The killer machine
NS, kkb: There has been a disturbance among fellow flies and mozzies and bugsies and anties in a certain national service camp. Bugs have been complaining that their husbands and wives and children who went out to disturb trainees and eat their food didn't come back home. Even reporter bugs never came back. Only one, ONE sole survivor came back to tell the news to the other buggies. There're 3 killer machines on the loose. It has a horrible, terrible, ferocious blue light that KILLS!

From the bug: "Wow. I'm now traumatised. I saw the blue light and had a really bad feeling. But it was beautiful... Really beautiful... That blue light. I just had to touch it, reach that heavenly place, where everything is so beautiful... I was drawing closer and closer... Till I saw... *sob sob* I saw... Billy bug fly right into the light. I heard a terrible sound, the sound of Billy being fried in that horrible thing!!! I HEARD HIM scream my name! *SOB SOB* I couldn't help him, I was too late, I didn't know what to do...... *breaks down* (the bugsies ambulance came and took him to the bugsies hospital)

Coffee, tea or bugsies?
NS, kkb: A bug was found drowning in an overly sweet cup of ns hot tea. An irresponsible trainee *koff* (I wonder who... :P) left her cup of tea on the floor. When she picked it up again, she found our friend in it. She was horrified, we were horrified. We even saw her dump our dearest into the sink! There's no way we can cremate him anymore... :( We mourned for him for at least a week, bugsies time that is.

Beds and bugsies
NS, kkb, specifically Mei Yii's bed: Bugsies were sent out on a mission - mission share a bed with Mei Yii. But unfortunately, she didn't seem to like us at all. We don't know why.... We really don't..... But anyway, many of our bugsies were killed in that mission for our bugsies were being brushed off. Heart broken, many of them jumped off window sills and bed posts. We reget ever sending them to her bed. She's inconsiderate and ferocious!!! >:(

Mission get lots of blood from Mei Yii
NS, kkb: After what happened, we decided to take revenge! We gathered our troops of mozzies to attack her!!! She doesn't deserve our nice treatment. Hmph!

From the mozzies: We first hid behind doors and under beds and stuff, must not let her know we're there. It might spoil our plan. So we hid. When night falls... Heh heh heh. We went all out to drink her blood!!! We got rather drunk because her blood was too sweet *koff koff*. Ever since, we got addicted to her blood and drank her blood every night. Till the time came when she smelt really horrible. Most of us couldn't take it and fainted. It was the horrible mozzie repellant! Ever since, we decided to disturb Michelle. But she, too, smelt horrible. Aih. Then, we had no choice but to drink the others' blood. After all, we're addicted to blood already.

Sauna anyone?
NS, kkb: Our friends have been found dead, I repeat, DEAD, in their horrible rice. *sob sob* They were... They were........ tortured in the horrible, ferocious, terrible thing called rice cooker! Our fellow friend, the worm, wanted a hot sauna. Things got too heated up and he became... He became........... Hmm, what do you call cooked worms again? Oh well, he became a cooked worm. The poor guy...

This concludes the torture the NS kkb bugs went through. A bug's life in NS kkb... :P:P:P


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