Sunday, June 19, 2005

The blues, the greens, and the pinks...

IN A HOUSE SOMEWHERE IN SS2: It is sadly reported that one of our beloved, weird, wacky, nonsensical, ferocious, funny (currently not), rubbishy bloggers is down with a syndrome called the blue syndrome. This syndrome makes the sufferer of it see everything that's happening around her in a blue way. Researchers couldn't find the source of this blue-ness and can only blame it on P-M-S. Though other reasons that contribute to it may be the heat of the day, lunch being yucky that certain day, and irritation caused by a few someone-s (*names not mentioned to protect to privacy of those certain someone-s).

Doctors and pyscologists have been searching for a cure that can cure this desease. Some of the remedies found are - chocolates (which the Tee household lacks of), cooler weather (for this bloggers case), some other people to cheer her up (also lacking, actually, none at the moment), a good lunch, some silly soap opera (not showing yet), and venting all her emotions on a blog. Thankfully, one of the remedies has been proved useful. The blogger is now releasing her blues onto a blog and found it comforting. The blogger thanks those non-existing doctors and pyscologists (the blogger herself thought of the remedies) for helping her overcome her blues. She now see her world like normal (in pink).

Oh, one more thing. The only time this certain blogger sees her world in green is when she is sick, hears something really disgusting, and when she see lots of green trees (of course! I mean, trees are green aren't they???).


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